Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Chip, the Alpha rooster

Chip is a Welsummer...and he's a jerk. 

Bannister and Abigail

Bannister got out yesterday. Security has been beefed up. 

Chickens, chickens everywhere

Hello Bob. They are all fussing because I'm in "their" yard but don't have food. 

Water Issue Solved

The plumbers showed up around 5pm on Friday night. They managed to dig out both faucets and replace one with a seriously kick-ass hydrant in an hour. 
The one closest to the house, it's been broken for almost a year. Unfortunately, it was too old and rusted to fix. I was used to not having it. But I'm going to get an estimate from the plumber to see how much a brand new line would cost to install. 

Me. Freckles

Mr. Freckles is sporting a mighty beard nowadays. His coat is also super thick. The vet told me that ruminants can tolerate the cold way better than other animals because the act of digestion that their bodies use creates heat. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Not much going on. Both the outside water taps are screwed up so I now have to hire a plumber in order to continue providing water to the animals and eventually water the garden.

Need to send one of the hogs to meet the meat maker. The girl is going to get hooked up on a date and will hopefully provide some tasty hoglets in good time. 

My seed orders are here but nothing will be planted until next month at the earliest. Still waiting for potatoes, onion sets, shallots, blueberry bushes, and mulberry trees to be delivered come spring. 

Puppy is getting huge! He'll be a great guard dog eventually. He's only three months old, but I have high hopes.

Husband should have his show moved by the end of Feb. No not much longer now until he's home full-time.